Oxetacaine BP 10mg MUCAINE GEL


Manufacturer: Invision Medi Sciences Pvt. Ltd.

Presentation: GEL


What is Oxetacaine BP 10mg?

Oxetacaine BP 10mg This medication aids in reducing the discomfort brought on by a bulging anus vein or a persistent digestive issue. According to the doctor’s judgement, it may also be prescribed for the treatment of other illnesses.

What applications does Oxetacaine BP 10mg have?

For the prevention and treatment of gastroenteritis, peptic ulcers, heartburn, and esophagitis, oxytacaine is utilised.

How long must I use MUCAINE for before my condition improves?

You should continue using this medication until your health problems start to improve.

How frequently do I need to administer oxycodone?

The doctor’s recommended dosage for this drug should be followed.

Should I take Oxetacaine on an empty stomach, before a meal, or right after eating?

This drug should be taken in the recommended quantity after eating.

What are the guidelines for handling and discarding oxycodone?

This medication needs to be stored in its original container and in a cold, dry location. Make sure that both children and dogs cannot access this medication.

How does this drug function?

This medication functions by preventing the gastrin hormone’s release, which in turn lessens the secretion of gastric juices.

What effects does oxytacaine have?

You run the risk of a drug interaction whenever you take multiple medications or combine them with specific foods or drinks.
Medication Interaction
Atorvastatin, Bromocriptine, and Cabergoline all interact with this medication.

What purposes does oxetacaine serve?

The following conditions are treated with this medication:

  • Gastritis
  • Stomach Ulcer
  • Heartburn
  • Esophagitis
  • Hello Hernia
  • Anorexia

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The main conditions for which oxetacaine is given are the pain brought on by conditions like esophagitis or peptic ulcer. It functions as a local anaesthetic and stops the peripheral nerves from sending pain signals to the brain. therefore reduces the perception of pain.

This medication aids in reducing the discomfort brought on by a bulging anus vein or a persistent digestive issue. According to the doctor’s judgement, it may also be prescribed for the treatment of other illnesses. It is typically advised that individuals who are hypersensitive to any ingredient in this medication avoid taking it.

It must be taken precisely as directed by the doctor. The recommended dosage is primarily based on the patient’s condition at the time and how their body responds to it.

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