Atorvastatin 10mg ATORVADOC 10

Trade Name:ATORVADOC 10

Manufacturer: Zydus Cadila

Presentation: Tablet


When is the ideal time to take a Atorvastatin 10mg?

Atorvastatin 10mg should be taken once day. As long as you take it at the same time each day, you can pick when to take it. By doing this, you can keep your blood pressure from rising or falling too much. Sometimes medical professionals would advise taking it in the evening.

What are the Atorvastatin 10mg most frequent adverse effects?

typical adverse consequences
experiencing nausea or indigestion Stay away from rich and spicy foods and stick to simple meals.
Headaches. Rest and ingest plenty of fluids, please.
The nose bleeds.
A sore throat.
symptoms that resemble a cold, like a runny or blocked nose or sneezing.
Farting (flatulence) or constipation…

What symptom of atorvastatin is the most extreme?

Seldom, the medication statins can bring about a possibly deadly condition known as rhabdomyolysis (rab-doe-my-Good old ih-sister). Rhabdomyolysis can bring about mortality, liver harm, kidney disappointment, and agonizing muscle torment. It is assessed that only a couple of instances of truly critical unfriendly impacts happen in 1,000,000 individuals on statins, which is an extremely generally safe.

What is the purpose of 10 mg of atorvastatin?

  • In order to raise “good” cholesterol (HDL) and lower “bad” cholesterol and fats (such as LDL and triglycerides) in the blood, atorvastatin is used in conjunction with a healthy diet.
  • It is a member of the class of medications known as “statins.”
  • It functions by reducing the quantity of cholesterol the liver produces.

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When taking atorvastatin, what foods should be avoided?

Atropine won’t work as well if you consume foods high in fat or cholesterol. Steer clear of booze. It may increase your risk of liver damage and boost lipid levels. Grapefruit and atorvastatin may interact and produce undesirable side effects.

Why is taking atorvastatin at night preferable?

What motivates people to take statins at night? Various statins capability better when taken around evening time. This is because of the cholesterol-delivering chemical being more dynamic around evening time. Furthermore, a few statins have a short half-life, or the time it takes for half of a prescription to leave your body.

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