tranexamic acid 500mg 5ml TRANEFIT 500 INJ

Trade Name:TRANEFIT 500 INJ

Manufacturer: Morepen Laboratories Ltd

Presentation: INJ


What is the purpose of tranexamic acid 500mg 5ml injection?

tranexamic acid 500mg 5ml  In patients with haemophilia, tranexamic acid injection is used to control or avoid excessive or significant bleeding during dental treatments. An antifibrinolytic substance is tranexamic acid injection. It capabilities by forestalling the breaking down of blood clusters. Your doctor may decide to use it for other conditions as well.

How is tranexamic acid 500mg 5ml  injected?

There is no need to lower the dosage. Only slowly administer tranexamic acid solution for injection into a vein. Injecting it into a muscle is not advised. You may get transient low blood pressure if you receive too much tramadol for injection (you may feel faint or dizzy on standing).

How often can IV TRANEFIT acid be administered?

Every six to eight hours, administer 1 g of tranexamic acid through gradual intravenous injection (1 ml/minute), which is equivalent to 15 mg/kg BW. In patients with hepatic impairment, there is no need to alter the dose.

Does tranexamic acid come in IV or IM form?

An antifibrinolytic medication called tranexamic acid (TXA) lowers surgical blood loss, as well as fatal bleeding after trauma and postpartum haemorrhage. Early administration is a critical factor in therapeutic outcome. While intravenous administration is the norm, oral and intramuscular administration could be advantageous in some situations.

Does the injection of tranexamic acid halt bleeding?

  • The drug transexamic acid, often known as txa, is used to stop bleeding.
  • It is used to treat nosebleeds and painful periods and aids in blood clotting.
  • Using tranexamic acid mouthwash can help halt bleeding during tooth extraction.

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What negative consequences does tranexamic acid have?

Side effects from taking oral tranexamic acid include nausea, diarrhoea, and stomach problems.Once in a long while, it might bring about visual issues or hypersensitivity.
The more frequent tranexamic acid side effects are nausea, diarrhoea, and stomach pain or discomfort.
vomiting. \schills. \sfever.
severe back or joint pain, throbbing headache.

Transexamic acid: Can it lead to blood clots?

Antifibrinolytic drugs include tranexamic acid. As a result, bleeding is reduced, although in some cases, patients may be at risk for thrombosis.

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