Temozolomide Capsule 20mg Temoside

Trade Name: Temoside

Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd

Presentation: Capsule

Strength: 20mg

Temozolomide Capsule 20mg Temoside commonly causes the following side effects:

The most notable manifestations of Temozolomide Capsule 20mg Temoside are squeamishness, hurling, blockage, cerebral torment, and depletion. This medication may reduce the number of platelets in your blood as needed, making you more susceptible to illnesses. Standard blood tests are expected to truly check out your platelets, close to kidney, liver, and heart work during treatment with this drug.

What is Temoside 20 (Temozolomide Capsule 20mg Temoside)?

A Temozolomide capsule is used to treat a specific type of brain damage. It is used to treat frontal cortex diseases if they return or look more unfortunate after standard treatment. It may also be used to treat various conditions as directed by the subject matter expert.

How is Temoside 20 Temozolomide 20 mg capsule used?

Temoside 20 capsules should be taken without stomach acid and at the same time each day to guarantee it has the best effect. Your essential consideration doctor will pick which part is indispensable and how frequently you want to take it. This will depend upon what you are being treated for and may change now and then. You should take it exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Misjudging it or taking too much can result in serious unintended consequences. It may require a short time or months so that you might see or feel the benefits, but don’t stop taking it aside if your PCP encourages you to.

How effective is temozolomide?

Entire brain radiation treatment (WBRT) and temozolomide can be solid, with a total reaction pace of 85% in one little review.

Is temozolomide chemotherapy?

Temozolomide (articulated tee-mo-zol-goodness m-ide) is a kind of chemotherapy drug that is endorsed for the treatment of glioblastomas and anaplastic astrocytomas. Temozolomide is the synthetic name for the medication. Temodal (TM) and Temodar (TM) are brand names for similar medications.

How much temozolomide can you take in a day?

Grown-ups: dosing depends on body size and should be dictated by your primary care physician. The beginning portion is normally 150 milligrams (mg) per square meter (m [2]) of body size once per day for five days, and afterward, you quit taking it for the following 23 days. This portion cycle might be rehashed like clockwork for as long as 2 years.

What are the side effects of the temozolomide capsule?

  • cerebral pain.
  • fair skin.
  • sickness.
  • heaving.
  • loose bowels.
  • blockage.
  • loss of hunger.

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