Reudol-SP Tablet

Trade Name: Reudol-SP

Manufacturer: Rizpan Life Sciences Private Limited

Presentation: Tablets

Strength:    100mg+325mg+15mg

What is Reudol-SP Tablet?

Reudol-SP Tablet is a mixed drug used to ease wretchedness and fill in different circumstances like muscle torment, joint destruction, and postoperative torment. As required, it genuinely reduces wretchedness and aggravation in conditions like rheumatoid joint anguish, ankylosing spondylitis, and osteoarthritis.

Reudol-SP Tablet ought to be taken in the piece and term as encouraged by your PCP. It ought to be taken with food or milk to impede stomach upset. Taking the remedy dependably at the ideal entryways develops its achievability. It is essential to continue to take the medication routinely until your PCP lets you know it is shielded to stop.

Contamination, spewing, stomach torment, indigestion, acid reflux, loss of craving, and free insides are a piece of the normal discretionary effects that may be seen on taking this solution. Your fundamental thought specialist may dependably screen your kidney capacity, liver limit, and levels of blood parts tolerating that you are taking this medication for significant length treatment. Extended-length use could prompt serious annoys, for example, stomach exhaustion and kidney issues. Reudol-SP Tablet isn’t suggested in the event that you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


In Help with trouble
Reudol-SP Tablet is a mix of medications utilized for transient help of torment, unsettling influence, and reaching out in conditions influencing joints and muscles. It works by obstructing substance couriers in the mind that let us in on we have torment. It can assist with working with torment in conditions like rheumatoid joint distress and osteoarthritis. Nearby pain relievers, this medication contains a functioning fixing called Serratiopeptidase, which is a compound that drives the general modifying joint effort and speeds up recuperation.

Recognizing it as getting the most benefit is proposed. Really try not to take more or surprisingly lengthy as that can be risky. Surrounding, you ought to acknowledge the least part that works, for the briefest conceivable time. This will assist you with pushing toward your customary exercises much more effectively and have a pervasive, more exceptional, individual satisfaction.


Reudol-SP Tablet is a mix of three drugs: Aceclofenac, Paracetamol, and Serratiopeptidase. Aceclofenac is a non-steroidal calming drug (NSAID), and Paracetamol is an antipyretic (fever minimizer). They work by ruining the presence of specifically produced couriers in the cerebrum that cause torment and fever. Serratiopeptidase is a compound that works by confining amazing proteins at the site of unsettling influence and advances in fixing.

Quick tips

  • You have been proposed this mix drug for moderating destruction and unsettling influence.
  • Take it with food to really try not to get a surprising stomach.
  • It could cause dazedness and drowsiness. Really try not to drive or do whatever requires mental concentration until you comprehend what Reudol-SP Tablet means for you.
  • Avoid drinking liquor while enduring Reudol-SP Tablet as it would cause over the top torpidity and increase the bet of liver wickedness.
  • Really try not to take it with some other solution containing acetaminophen (drugs for torment/fever or hack and cold) without asking your PCP first.

Q. What is Reudol-SP Tablet?

It is a mix of three arrangements: Aceclofenac, Paracetamol, and Serratiopeptidase. This drug assists with lessening with tormenting and aggravation. It works by chopping down the degrees of fabricated substances in the body that cause torment and aggravation.

Q. Is it protected to take Reudol-SP tablets?

Taking this medication for the vast majority of the patients is gotten. Regardless, in specific patients, it could cause vexatious discretionary effects like sickness, hurling, stomach trouble, acid reflux, and the runs. In the event that you experience any steady issues by virtue of the medicine, edify your PCP at the earliest entryway.

Q. Might I whenever anytime quit taking Reudol-SP Tablet when my worsening is feeling moved along?

This medication is commonly utilized for the ongoing second and can be done when your fuel is feeling far improved. Notwithstanding, kept on taking it on the off risk that your fundamental thought specialist has encouraged you to hence do.

Q. Could Reudol-SP Tablet cause turmoil and throwing?

Certainly, the utilization of this solution can cause hardship and spewing. Assuming you experience sickness while taking this remedy, take it with milk, food, or with stomach settling specialists. Really try not to take sleek or scorched food sources nearby this medicine. If there should be an occurrence of spewing, hydrate or different liquids by taking insignificant typical inclinations. Visit with your fundamental thought specialist on the off chance that throwing continues on and you notice indications of parchedness, similar to swoon colored strong regions for and pee and a low rehash of pee. Ingest similar medications without speaking to your PCP.

Q. Could Reudol-SP Tablet cause wooziness?

Without a doubt, the utilization of this remedy can cause dubiousness (feeling weak, slight, unsteady, or obscured looked toward) in specific patients. In the event that you feel woozy or shaky, it is more splendid to rest for quite a while and continue once you feel far gotten to a higher level.

Q. Are there a specific contraindications related with taking Reudol-SP Tablet?

The use of this medication is viewed as hazardous for patients with known loathings for any of the parts or excipients of this remedy or in patients with known abhorrence for different pain relievers (NSAIDs). Its utilization ought to ideally be stayed away from in patients with an establishment put aside by stomach ulcers or in patients with dynamic, monotonous stomach ulcers/dying. It ought to in addition be stayed away from in patients with an establishment put aside through cardiovascular breakdown, hypertension, and liver or kidney disorder.

Q. Might I whenever take Reudol-SP Tablet with vitamin B-complex?

Without a doubt, this medication can be taken with vitamin B-complex plans. While it assists with working with torment, vitamin B-complex can assist with changing the shortfall of supplement that may be causing your auxiliary impacts.

Q. Might the utilization of the Reudol-SP Tablet whenever make hurt kidneys?

For certain, extended length utilization of this medication can make hurt the kidneys. Standard kidneys produce a substance called prostaglandins that shield them from hurt. The use of pain relievers chops down the degrees of prostaglandins in the body, which prompts kidney hurt on extended length use. The use of pain relievers isn’t suggested in patients with hidden away kidney problem.

Q. Might I whenever sooner or later take a higher piece of Reudol-SP Tablet than proposed?

No, taking a higher-than-supported piece can incite expanded likely results of unplanned effects. Expecting you are encountering broadened genuineness of pain or the intensification isn’t feeling worked on by the proposed portions, considerately counsel your PCP for re-assessment.

Q. What are the orientation for the breaking point and disposal of the Reudol-SP Tablet?

Keep this remedy in the pack or the holder it came in, enduringly shut. Store it as exhibited by the heading alluded to on the pack or engraving. Dispose of unused solution. Promise it isn’t consumed by pets, youngsters, and others.


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