Manufacturer: Abbott

Presentation: Injection

Strength:   40mg


NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML is utilized for Wild fever, Amebiasis, Rheumatoid joint aggravation, Lupus erythematosus and different circumstances. Nivaquine P Injection may also be utilized for purposes not kept in this medicine guide.

NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML contains Chloroquine as a functioning fixing.
NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML works by impeding the development of parasites in the platelets.
Coordinated data related with Nivaquine P Injection’s purposes, composition, assessment, unintentional impacts and studies is recorded under.


NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML is utilized for the treatment, control, prevention, and improvement of the accompanying infirmities, conditions and symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal hardship
  • Amebiasis
  • Rheumatoid joint aggravation
  • Lupus erythematosus
  • Nivaquine P Injection may also be utilized for purposes not recorded here.


Coming up next is an outline of possible incidental impacts that could happen from all comprising components of NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML. This is positively not a comprehensive synopsis. These optional impacts are possible, yet don’t actually for every circumstance happen. A portion of the incidental impacts might be captivating yet serious. Counsel your primary thought physician accepting you notice any of the accompanying deferred results, especially on the off chance that they don’t disappear.

  • Aggravation of veins
  • Lung jumble
  • Changes in liver capability tests
  • Heart problem
  • Weird platelet counts
  • Rash
  • Jumble
  • Personality changes
  • Stomach cramps
  • Perceptions
  • Low pulse
  • Muscle tangle
  • Stevens-johnson condition
  • Nerve muscle tangle
  • Spewing
  • Terribly susceptible responses
  • Antipathy for daylight
  • Becoming dull or loss of hair
  • Lessened hearing
  • Nerve deafness
  • Free developments
  • Problems with vision
  • Ringing in ears
  • Bone marrow depression
  • Hypersensitivity responses
  • Uneasiness
  • Pigmentation of the skin
  • Mucous layers
  • Abnormal fall in glucose level
  • Disappointment of the bone marrow to produce new platelets
  • Fits
  • Cerebral pain
  • Corneal deposits
  • Loss of hearing
  • Photo mindfulness
  • Mental aggravations
  • Contamination of muscle tissue
  • NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML may also cause optional impacts not recorded here.


Prior to using NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML, enlighten your PCP about your nonstop blueprint of drugs, over the counter products (for example supplements, neighborhood supplements, etc), awarenesses, pre-existing contaminations, and current diseases (for example pregnancy, upcoming operation, etc.). Some clinical issue could make you more susceptible to the symptoms of the medicine. Take as worked with by your primary idea physician or pursue the course printed on the product implant. Appraisal depends on your condition. Enlighten your PCP concerning whether your condition persists or falls apart. Important organizing points are recorded under.

  • Complete full blood counts dependably
  • Check the blood glucose levels during the treatment
  • Young people
  • Do whatever it takes not to drive or operate huge equipment
  • Make an effort not to take critical length high appraisal therapy
  • Genuinely do whatever it takes not to recollect injectable development for adolescents under five years, peripheral neuropathy Epilepsy
  • Existing hear-capable wickedness
  • G6PD need
  • Get your eye appraisal at month to month widens


Accepting you utilize different medications or over the counter products simultaneously, the impacts of NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML could change. This could expand your bet for optional impacts or cause your medication not to properly work. Train your PCP with respect to each of the prescriptions, supplements, and customary supplements you are utilizing, so you specialist can help you prevent or coordinate medicine composed endeavors. Nivaquine P Injection could speak with the accompanying medications and products:

  • Ampicillin
  • Stomach settling specialists
  • Cimetidine
  • Cyclosporine
  • Kaolin
  • Mefloquine
  • Rabies immunizer

When not to use Nivaquine P Injection?

Hypersensitivity to NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML is a contraindication. Furthermore, Nivaquine P Injection ought not be utilized expecting you have the accompanying circumstances:

  • Chloroquine-safe wild fever
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Muscle insufficiency accomplished by chloroquine
  • Vision problems

Q. Is NIVAQUINE P INJ protected to utilize when pregnant?

Ans. No

Q. Is NIVAQUINE P INJ  protected while breastfeeding?

Ans. Please inspect the dangers and advantages with your primary thought physician.

Q. Might NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML whenever be utilized for stomach related hardship and amebiasis?

Ans.Yes, wild fever and amebiasis are among the most eminent reported utilizes for Nivaquine P Injection. Please do excludeNIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML for gastrointestinal contamination and amebiasis without visiting with first with your PCP. Click here and view focus on results to figure out what different patients report as normal purposes for Nivaquine P Injection.

Q. Might it at some point be fitting for me to utilize NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML empty stomach, before food or after food?

Ans. site clients have most typically reported utilizing Nivaquine P Injection after food. Anyway, this may not be brilliant of how you ought to utilize this medication. Please notice your primary thought physician’s heading on how you ought to utilize this medication. Click here and view review results to figure out what different patients report as timing of utilizing Nivaquine P Injection.

Q. Is it protected to drive or operate tremendous equipment while utilizing this product?

Ans. On the off chance that you experience laziness, dazedness, hypotension or a migraine as optional impacts while utilizing Nivaquine P Injection drug then it may not be protected to drive a vehicle or operate enormous equipment. One shouldn’t drive a vehicle in the event that utilizing the prescription makes you depleted, tipsy or chops down your circulatory strain comprehensively. Pharmacists similarly encourage patients not to drink liquor with prescriptions as liquor uplifts sluggishness helper impacts. Please check for these impacts on your body while utilizing Nivaquine P Injection. Persistently talk with your PCP for proposals specific to your body and clinical issue.

Q. Is NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML or product propensity outlining or propensity shaping?

Ans. Most NIVAQUINE P INJ 5ML don’t accompany a potential for oppression or misuse. Generally, the public power’s solicitations cures that can be propensity shaping as controlled substances. Examples remember plan H or X for India and timetable II-V in the US. Please counsel the product package to ensure that the medication doesn’t have a place with such special portrayals of prescriptions. Finally, don’t self-fix and expansion your body’s dependence to drugs without the encouraging of a specialist.

Q. Might I whenever eventually stop utilizing this product right away or do I need to step by step wean off the utilization?

Ans. A couple of prescriptions should be tapered or can’t be stopped rapidly in light of rapidly bring impacts back. Please talk with your primary thought physician for proposals specific to your body, prosperity and different prescriptions that you could utilize.

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