Levofloxacin 500mg LEVODOC 500

Trade Name:LEVODOC-500

Manufacturer:Morepen Laboratories Ltd

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 500mg

Is the Levofloxacin 500mg tablet secure?

Levofloxacin 500mg If taken according to your doctor’s instructions for dosage and duration, the Levodoc 500mg Tablet is safe. Do not stray from the recommended dosage. Take it as prescribed.Give close consideration to your primary care physician’s guidelines and illuminate them immediately assuming any antagonistic impacts upset you.

What happens if I neglect to take a Levofloxacin 500mg Tablet dose?

Levodoc 500mg Tablets should be taken as soon as you remember them if you miss a dose. If, be that as it may, your next portion is soon due, overlook the missed portion and take the following one at the standard time all things being equal. To compensate for a missed portion, don’t take a twofold portion as this might improve the probability of encountering adverse consequences.

Can Levodoc 500mg Tablet use result in diarrhoea?

Yes, Levodoc 500mg Tablet use can result in diarrhoea. An anti-toxin destroys hazardous microorganisms. Be that as it may, it additionally hurts the useful microorganisms in your entrail or stomach and results in looseness of the bowels. Address your PCP assuming your the runs is especially terrible.

When I feel better, may I stop using Levodoc 500mg Tablet?

  • No, even if you feel better, keep taking Levodoc 500mg Tablet and finish the entire course of treatment.
  • Before the disease is completely treated, your side effects could turn out to be better.
  • The symptoms can come back or get worse if you stop taking Levodoc 500mg Tablet too soon.
  • Continue using Levodoc 500mg Tablet for the prescribed amount of time.

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Can using Levodoc 500mg Tablet raise the chance of causing muscular damage?

Yes, it is well documented that using Levodoc 500mg Tablet increases the risk of muscle damage, most frequently in the ankle. People of all ages who take Levodoc 500mg Tablet may experience muscle damage, however those over 60 years old may experience more severe damage. Assuming you experience any sort of muscle irritation while taking this medicine, let your primary care physician know.

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