Fempro Letrozole 2.5mg Tablet

Trade Name: Fempro

Manufacturer: Cipla

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 2.5mg

What is Fempro Letrozole 2.5mg Tablet?

Fempro Letrozole 2.5mg Tablet assists treatment with breasting malignancy in post-menopausal ladies. It very well might be utilized alone or with different therapies, like a medical procedure or radiation. It can likewise be utilized in patients with cutting-edge bosom malignancy to prevent the growth from spreading to different pieces of the body.

How This Tablet is used?

Fempro Tablet is likewise useful in the treatment of fruitlessness. It’s usually taken with or without food, but to receive the best benefit, take it at around the same time every day. What you take it for determines the portion size and frequency. Your doctor will choose the amount you need to work on your indications. You should take this medication however long it is recommended.

Common Side effects of Fempro 2.5mg Tablet:

The majority of adverse effects aren’t worth worrying about and fade away when your body adjusts to the medicine. Counsel your Doctor on the off chance that they endure or on the other hand in case you’re stressed over them

  • Normal symptoms of Fempro
  • Weakness
  • Hypercholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol)
  • Expanded perspiring
  • Hot blazes

Is Fempro helping to get pregnant?

Fempro, in its most basic form, causes ovulation. It is an oral fertility medicine that aids in the development and release of an egg in women. It is used to help develop numerous eggs in women who are unable to ovulate on their own or to stimulate ovulation in women who are unable to ovulate on their own.

Does Fempro work for pregnancy?

According to a big study from a research network financed by the National Institutes of Health, the medicine Fempro appears to be more effective than the usual prescription clomiphene in helping women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) achieve pregnancy. To know more click here.

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