Cytarabine 500mg cytosar Injection

Trade Name: Cytosar

Manufacturer: Pfizer Ltd

Presentation: Injection

Strength: 500mg


Introduction the motivation behind infusing Cytarabine 500mg?

Cytarabine 500mg is utilized to treat a few sorts of leukemia (malignant growth of the white platelets), like intense myeloid leukemia (AML), intense lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), and persistent myelogenous leukemia (CML), either alone or in mix with other chemotherapy prescriptions (CML)

What is the most ideal way to regulate cytarabine infusions?

Cytarabine 100 mg/mL An infusion is a prepared-to-utilize infusion that can be infused intravenously or subcutaneously. Cytarabine 100 mg/mL As a result of the gentle hypertonicity of this detailing, the infusion ought not to be given intravenously.

What is the recurrence of Cytarabine 500mg administration?

The standard cytarabine portion mixed with other anticancer drugs for acceptance treatment of intense non-lymphocytic leukemia is 100 mg/m2/day by consistent IV imbuement (Days 1-7) or 100 mg/m2 IV-like clockwork (Days 1 to 7).

What are the cytosar infusion symptoms of Cytarabine 500mg?

Cytosar Infusion Aftereffects


Skin ulcer on the skin.


Balding is a typical event.

Torment in the mid-region.

Ulcers in the mouth.

Iron deficiency is a condition where an individual (low number of red platelets)

The white platelet count is low.

Is Cytarabine 500mg equipped for causing a fever?

Fever can be fostered in the wake of getting cyclosporine and for as long as 24 hours following. Eye drops with enormous portions of cytarabine may assist with conjunctivitis. Kids experience more spewing issues in the wake of getting intrathecal cytarabine than they do subsequent to getting intrathecal methotrexate.

How is Cytarabine 500mg directed?

Cytarabine can be given as an intravenous implantation (intravenous or IV). Intrathecal imbuement is one more type of organization. At the point when meds need to arrive at the cerebrospinal liquid (CSF), which encompasses the mind and spinal rope, this approach is utilized. The medication is implanted straightforwardly into the spinal liquid.

Is it conceivable to oversee Cytarabine at home?

It was a protected and fruitful undertaking to help patients in regulating Cytarabine at home. Patient-focused care is supported by the improvement of novel methods for managing chemotherapy in the home

Is cytarabine connected to balding?

Certain individuals might encounter transient balding because of this prescription. Typical hair development ought to continue after the cytarabine drug is done.



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