Cetirizine 5mg 5ml MYCET 30ml

Trade Name:MYCET 30ml

Manufacturer:Alkem Laboratories Ltd.

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 5mg/5ml

What is the purpose of Cetirizine 5mg 5 ml?

Cetirizine 5mg 5 ml is an antihistamine that relieves allergy symptoms. The condition it treats is hay fever. conjunctivitis (red, itchy eye) (red, itchy eye)

What use does Cetirizine 5mg 5 ml provide for infants?

An allergy medicine called cetirizine is utilized to deal with sensitivity side effects like runny nose, watery eyes, bothersome eyes and nose, wheezing, hives, and tingling. It capabilities by repressing a specific normal compound (receptor) that your body produces while encountering a hypersensitive response.

How are children treated with cetirizine syrup?

Red, irritated eyes, wheezing, a runny or stodgy nose, or hives are instances of sensitivity side effects that CETIRIZINE (se TI ra zeen) both forestalls and eases. It capabilities by impeding receptor, which the body discharges while having a hypersensitive response. It is an individual from the class of medications known as allergy meds.

What side effects might cetirizine cause?

  • Cetirizine could have negative effects. Assuming that any of these side effects are serious or don’t disappear,
  • let your PCP in on right once:
    sleepiness, extreme exhaustion,
  • dry mouth, stomach ache,
  • diarrhoea, and vomiting.

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What measurement of cetirizine is ok for my child?

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, give 5 or 10 mL once day to adults and children aged 6 and older. Try not to take in excess of 10 mL in a 24-hour time frame. Adults 65 and older: 5 mL once day; do not exceed 5 mL in a 24-hour period. 2.5 mL once per day for kids aged 2 to under 6 years old.

What time of day is perfect for taking cetirizine?

At whatever point during the day is fitting to take cetirizine. Since it doesn’t peaceful by far most, they take it in the initial segment of the day. It is fitting to take it at night on the off chance that it makes you tired on the grounds that few individuals really do view it as calming. You can take cetirizine paying little heed to food.

Is cetirizine a sleep aid?

Despite the fact that cetirizine is probably not going to make you languid, certain individuals can encounter this incidental effect, particularly assuming they are taking measurements that are over the reach that is encouraged. In the event that cetirizine makes you lethargic, abstain from working hardware or driving.

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