Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule

Trade Name: Cadiprag M

Manufacturer: Cadila Healthcare Limited

Presentation:  Capsule

Strength: 750mcg/75mg

What is Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule?

Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule is a professionally recommended medicine used for the treatment of neuropathic torment. It diminishes torment by modulating the calcium channel movement of the nerve cells. This medicine likewise safeguards nerve filaments and recuperates damaged nerve cells.

Cadiprag M Capsule is taken by mouth paying little regard to food, ideally at bedtime. It is encouraged to require it at the same investment reliably as this assists with maintaining a strong degree of medicine in the body. Take this medicine in the piece and term prompted by your doctor as this is a propensity forming medicine. In the event that you miss a piece of this medicine, recognize it when you remember. Completely follow through with the full course of treatment whether you feel improved. It is important that this medication isn’t stopped abruptly without conversing with the doctor.

Some common eventual outcomes of this medicine incorporate insecurity and tiredness, drive don’t also or do whatever requires mental concentration until you know how this medicine impacts you. The deferred results are mild in nature and get improve with time. This medicine may cause weight gain and to control it, you ought to work out dependably and take a reasonable eating plan. It is important to inform your doctor assuming you develop any uncommon changes in mood or immediate, new or demolishing misery, or stupid contemplations.

Your doctor ought to similarly be aware of any remaining medicines you are taking as many of these may make this medicine area of strength for less fundamentally impact the manner in which it works. Inform your doctor assuming you are pregnant, arranging pregnancy, or breastfeeding.


In Treatment of Neuropathic Torment
Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule is a combination of medicines used to treat dependable (resolute) torment caused by nerve damage because of diabetes, shingles, or spinal line injury. It lessens torment and its associated symptoms, for example, mood changes, rest problems, and tiredness. Pregabalin, a functioning element of this medicine, is remembered to work by impeding torment hails that move through the damaged nerves and the mind. It moreover contains restorative supplements that improve nerve conduction. Taking Cadiprag M  Capsule routinely will improve your physical and social working and in regular individual fulfillment.


Take this medicine in the part and length as encouraged by your doctor. Cadiprag M may be taken paying little regard to food, yet taking it at a legitimate time is better.


Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule is a combination of two medicines: Methylcobalamin and Pregabalin. Methylcobalamin is a form of vitamin B that aids the development of myelin, a substance that insurances with nerving strands and revives damaged nerve cells. Pregabalin is an alpha 2 delta ligand that diminishes the aggravation by modulating calcium channel movement of the nerve cells. Together, they ease neuropathic torment (torment from damaged nerves).

Quick tips

  • You have been recommended Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule for treating and frustrating nerve torment.
  • Its helper impacts are normally mild and temporary.
  • It may cause dazedness or tiredness. Make a work not to drive or do anything requiring focus until you know how it impacts you.
  • To chop down the possible outcomes of feeling insecure or dropping, rising dynamically assuming you have been sitting or resting.
  • Stay away from consuming liquor while taking Cadiprag M Capsule, as it may cause unnecessary apathy.
  • Inform your doctor assuming that you support any uncommon changes in mood or lead, new or going to pieces gloom or futile contemplations or direct.
  • Make a work not to stop taking the medication out of nowhere without talking with your doctor.

Q. What is Cadiprag M Capsule?

Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule is a combination of two medicines: Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin. This medicine is useful in the treatment of nerve torment (neuropathic torment). It calms the damaged or overactive nerves by returning again to the cerebrum, in this manner diminishing the devastation sensation. It moreover helps in the recovery of damaged nerves in the body.

Q. Might I anytime stop taking Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule when my worsening feeling improved?

No, you shouldn’t stop taking Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule whether your intensification is feeling improved. Keep on recognizing it as prompted by your doctor. On the off chance that you unexpectedly stop taking Cadiprag M  Capsule, you may encounter withdrawal symptoms like trepidation, resting troubles, nausea, pain, and perspiring. You may have to a small move toward turn fix the use of Cadiprag M Capsule before you stop the medication completely.

Undoubtedly, Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule may make you feel tired or you may out of nowhere nod off during your regular exercises. Sometimes, you might not feel tired or have some other admonition signs before you suddenly nod off. Stay away from driving a vehicle, working machinery, working at levels or partaking in maybe perilous exercises toward the start of your treatment until you know how the medicine impacts you. Inform your doctor assuming you experience such episodes while you are taking this medicine.

Q. Will the use of Cadiprag M Capsule cause lethargy or drowsiness?

Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule can make you feel hungry which might make you eat more, accordingly developing your possible outcomes gaining weight. However, upsetting weight gain is simpler than losing the lengthy weight. Attempt to eat serious areas of strength for an eating routine without expanding your part estimates (per-meal consumption). Take the necessary steps not to eat food items that contain a ton of calories, as soft refreshments, smooth food, chips, cakes, bread rolls, and desserts. Assuming that you feel hungry between meals, make a work not to eat awful quality food and eat normal items, vegetables and low-calorie food assortments. Customary activity will assist with impeding weight gain. In the event that you maintain exceptional dietary examples and work-out consistently, you might not put on any weight.

Q. How to manage weight gain related to the use of Cadiprag M Capsule?

Q. Are there any serious helper impacts related with the use of Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule?

A fundamental advantage with Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule may be seen following fourteen days of treatment. However, it may anticipate around 2-3 months or more (in some patients) to see the full benefits.

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Q. How long will the Cadiprag M Capsule take to act?

Serious possible outcomes caused because of the use of Cadiprag M 750mcg/75mg Capsule are uncommon and charming. However, it may cause serious possible outcomes like extremely touchy responses, silly contemplations, or the development of limbs (hands, legs, or feet). Stop taking Cadiprag M Capsule and contact your doctor assuming you have any indications of these serious helper impacts. Indications of an adversely vulnerable response coordinate stretching out of your face, mouth, lips, gums, tongue, and neck. Unnecessarily touchy responses can similarly prompt difficulty in breathing, skin rash, hives (raised bumps), or disturbance. Base on any changes, particularly abrupt mood changes, ways to deal with acting, contemplations or sentiments, of course assuming you have foolish contemplations.