Sterile Hydrocortisone Sodium 100mg CORTIMO 100 INJ

Trade Name:CORTIMO-100 INJ

Manufacturer:Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Presentation: injection


What is the purpose of injecting Sterile Hydrocortisone Sodium 100mg?

Sterile Hydrocortisone Sodium 100mg are used to address the effects of low corticosteroid levels (lack of certain substances that are usually produced by the body and are needed for normal body functioning). Serious allergic responses are also treated with it.

What is the purpose of Sterile Hydrocortisone Sodium 100mg?

Inflammation (swelling), severe allergic reactions, kidney disease, adrenal issues, arthritis, asthma, blood or bone marrow issues, eye or vision issues, lupus, skin ailments, and ulcerative colitis are a few conditions that hydrocortisone is used to treat.

What is the purpose of 100mg of hydrocortisone?

Inflammation (swelling), severe allergic reactions, kidney disease, adrenal issues, arthritis, asthma, blood or bone marrow issues, eye or vision issues, lupus, skin ailments, and ulcerative colitis are a few conditions that hydrocortisone is used to treat.

How should I take 100 mg of hydrocortisone?

  • anti-inflammatory medication The primary route for initial emergency use is intravenous injection,
  • while hydrocortisone may also be given intravenously, intravenously infusion-style, or intramuscularly.

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Are you drowsy after taking hydrocortisone?

Oral hydrocortisone tablets don’t make you sleepy, but they can have other negative effects.

How soon does hydrocortisone start to work?

Cortisone is not a pain reliever on its own. When will it start to work? Although it is impossible to foresee exactly how the body will react to a cortisone injection, the majority of individuals report alleviation from their symptoms 48 to 72 hours following the injection.

Do antibiotics include hydrocortisone?

Neomycin, polymyxin, and bacitracin are examples of the antibiotic drug class. They function by halting bacterial growth. A collection of medication known as corticosteroids consists of hydrocortisone. It reduces swelling, redness, and itching by causing natural chemicals in the skin to become active.

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