Abamlo 5mg Tablet

Trade Name: Abamlo

Manufacturer: Abbott

Presentation: Tablets

StrengthAmlodipine (5mg) + Atenolol (50mg)

Introduction of Abamlo 5mg Tablet

Abamlo 5mg Tablet contains Amlodipine which has a place with the gathering of prescriptions called Antihypertensive specialists. It is utilized to treat hypertension and a specific kind of angina (chest torment) called Prinzmetal or variation angina.

Hypertension (otherwise called hypertension) is an ailment where the power of the blood applied against the walls of the veins remains exceptionally high, and subsequently, it might prompt serious harm to the veins providing indispensable organs, like the heart, kidney, or mind. Whenever left untreated, it might cause serious confusion, for example, coronary episode, cardiovascular breakdown, stroke, or even visual impairment.

Angina is a kind of chest torment caused by of diminished blood stream and oxygen supply to the heart muscles. It is portrayed by a sharp chest torment beginning from the heart and transmitting until left shoulder alongside serious chest snugness or substantialness, and trouble in relaxing.

Accept Abamlo Tablet as exhorted by your doctor. Abstain from drinking grapefruit juice while taking Abamlo Tablet, as it could prompt erratic expansion in the pulse bringing down impacts of ABAMLO TABLET.

Prior to taking the Abamlo Tablet , illuminate your PCP on the off chance that you have any liver issues. You should likewise illuminate your PCP assuming you have extreme wild expansion in pulse or as of late had a coronary failure.

Abamlo  Tablet isn’t suggested for use in patients with other serious heart issues like limiting of heart valves or cardiogenic shock. It is additionally not reasonable for use in patients with serious hypotension (low circulatory strain).


  • It is utilized to treat:
  • Hypertension
    Angina (like Prinzmetal Angina)

Direction for use:

Accept Abamlo 5mg Tablet as exhorted by your doctor. Swallow the prescriptions with a glass of water. Try not to pound or bite the medication.

Your PCP will conclude the right portion and span for you depending on your age, body weight, and illness condition. Keep on taking Abalma 5mgTablet for the specified length trained by your primary care physician to accomplish improved results.

Side Effects of Abamlo 5mg Tablet

  • Edema (expanding of the lower legs or other body parts)
  • Cerebral pain, unsteadiness, tiredness
  • Palpitations (quick heartbeat)
  • Flushing (redness and warmth of the skin)
  • Stomach torment, sickness, the runs, clogging, heartburn
  • Changes in entrail propensity
  • Sluggishness, shortcoming
  • Visual aggravations, twofold vision


What proportion of time does it expect for Abamlo 5mg Tablet to work?

Abamlo 5mg Tablet begins chipping away at the day it is taken. Notwithstanding, it could request a long speculation to see the full impact. You ought to keep on taking the medication whether you feel further developed of course on the off chance that you notice no tremendous separation. Counsel your PCP tolerating that you have any worries or you feel even more horrendous straightforwardly following taking the solution.

Q. Does Abamlo Tablet cause shuddering?

Abamlo Tablet could cause shuddering in unambiguous patients, yet it is a striking discretionary effect. In any case, tolerating you experience serious shuddering contact your PCP

Q. Is Abamlo 5mg awful for the kidneys?

No, there is no affirmation that Abamlo 5mg Tablet causes disintegration of kidney issues. Abamlo 5 Tablet can be utilized in ordinary parts in patients with kidney issues. To be sure, its pulse chopping down impact, it assists with upsetting injury to the kidneys because of hypertension

Q. For what proportion of time do I have to expect for Abamlo Tablet?

You ought to continue to take Abamlo 5 Tablet anyway extensive your fundamental thought specialist has supported you to take it. You could have to take it persevering. Really try not to quit taking it, whether you feel improved or your circulatory strain is especially controlled. Once more tolerating you quit taking Abamlo 5 Tablet, your circulatory strain could increment and your condition could decline

Q. Is Abamlo 5 Tablet a beta-blocker?

No, Abamlo 5 Tablet is definitely not a beta-blocker. It has a spot with a class of medications known as calcium channel blockers. It chops down circulatory strain by loosening up the veins so that blood can without a truly surprising stretch course through the veins.

Q. What are the serious results of Abamlo 5 Tablet?

Abamlo 5 Tablet could cause two or three serious unintentional effects like liver issues (yellowing of skin, confusion, hurling, and loss of craving), pancreatitis (preposterous stomach torment, sickness, and ejecting), and broken chest torment which might be typical for a coronary episode. Notwithstanding, these possible results are seldom seen. Review that your fundamental thought specialist has embraced this medication to you considering the way that the advantage to you is more prominent than the bet of any plausible discretionary effects. Respect your PCP’s course.

Q. What could it be a good idea for me to keep away from while taking Abamlo 5 Tablet?

Counsel your fundamental thought specialist first prior to beginning any new drug or non-expert embraced meds or updates. Take low sodium and low-fat eating schedule, and stick to the way of life changes as scolded by your PCP. Avoid eating grapefruit (chakotra) or drinking grapefruit juice while taking Abamlo 5 Tablet. Quit smoking and enduring liquor as this assists with chopping down your pulse and ruins heart issues

Check this Antibiotic Product Abturbi 250 Tablet or you may explore more Antibiotic Products by clicking here

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