Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet

Trade Name: Triomune

Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 150/40/200mg

What is Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet?

A combination of antiretroviral medications is found in Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet. Treatment for HIV (human immunodeficiency infection) sickness is advised. It increases one’s resistance to HIV in order to prevent or treat AIDS.

Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet reduces the risk of HIV-related complications affecting a person’s life expectancy and limits the growth of HIV in the body. For better efficacy, the drug must be taken on an empty stomach. These medicines become more effective when used concurrently on a regular basis. You shouldn’t skip any of this medicine since it can affect your recovery. It is imperative that you complete the whole course of the medication unless your primary care physician advises you to stop.

Normal symptoms of this medication incorporate cerebral pain, sluggishness, inconvenience resting, queasiness, looseness of the bowels, dryness in the mouth, fever, and rash. These incidental effects are for the most part impermanent, yet assuming they endure or become serious illuminate your primary care physician. This medication can likewise cause you to feel unsteady or tired, so trying not to drive is encouraged. Likewise, stay away from liquor utilization as it might build the power of the incidental effects.

Prior to beginning with the treatment, you ought to counsel your primary care physician assuming that you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have any ailment. Your PCP might propose customary blood tests to check your blood counts and other physical processes. On the off chance that you are HIV positive, you shouldn’t breastfeed or share individual assets like razors or toothbrushes. Counsel your PCP to be familiar with safe sex techniques to forestall transmission of HIV during intercourse.

Advantages of Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet

In HIV contamination
Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet keeps the HIV infection from duplicating in your body. It assists control the disease and makes your invulnerable framework with working better.This lessens your likelihood of encountering complications, such as fresh contaminations, and improves your level of happiness.

It should not be used to prevent HIV after accidental exposure to a risk since it is neither a cure for HIV nor a medication that helps. You must accept the medication as prescribed and take it at the dosage that your primary care provider advises.
Taking all dosages in the perfect sum at the ideal opportunities extraordinarily builds the adequacy of your blend of medications and diminishes the possibilities of your HIV disease becoming impervious to antiretroviral meds. Nonetheless, taking this medication won’t keep you from passing HIV to others.

How Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet Functions

Lamivudine, Stavudine, and Nevirapine are the three antiviral medications included in the Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet. They function by preventing the HIV (infection) from multiplying, therefore reducing the amount of infection in your body. Additionally, they raise the blood’s CD4 cell (white platelets that fight illness) content.

Speedy tips

  • Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet is a mix of three medications which dials back or stops the movement of HIV diseases.
  • Take it while starving, ideally at sleep time, to diminish aftereffects.
  • Skipping dosages expands the gamble of treatment disappointment. Ensure that you take every one of your dosages at the right time.
  • Triomune 150/40/200mg Tablet might cause discombobulation or lethargy. Try not to drive or do anything requiring focus until you know what it means for you.
  • Triomune 150mg/30mg/200mg Tablet can cause birth deserts. Utilize powerful contraception while taking Triomune 150mg/30mg/200mg Tablet and 12 weeks subsequent to halting it.
  • It might cause debilitating of your bones. Work-out consistently and take calcium and vitamin D enhancements as proposed by your PCP.
  • Your PCP might screen your kidney and liver capabilities routinely.
  • Illuminate your primary care physician in the event that you foster side effects like stomach torment, loss of hunger, obscured pee or yellowing of the eyes or skin.
  • Try not to quit taking Triomune 150mg/30mg/200mg Tablet without your primary care physician’s recommendation.

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