Tenvir AF Tablets 25mg

Trade Name:Tenvir AF

Manufacturer:Cipla Ltd

Presentation: Tablets

Strength25 mg

How does Tenvir AF Tablets 25mg”Work?”

Tenvir AF Tablets 25mg contains ‘tenofovir alfenamide’. It restrains HBV replication by converging into viral DNA through HBV switch transcriptase, bringing about the end of the DNA chain. This keeps the infection from delivering new infections and tidies up your contamination.

Might I at any point take Tenvir Tablets 30 all alone?

No, TENVIR TABLET 30’S is an endorsed medicine given by a doctor for treating HBV disease or persistent hepatitis B. It is prescribed not to take it all alone.

Could I at any point take Tenvir Tablets for a drawn out timeframe?

Tenvir TABLET 30’S ought to be taken in the portion and for the span recommended by your primary care physician in view of your ailment.

What are the Results of Tenvir AF Tablets 25mg?

  • Looseness of the bowels
  • Spewing
  • Feeling wiped out (sickness)
  • Wooziness
  • Stomach torment
  • Joint torment
  • Feeling swelled
  • Wind (tooting)
  • Feeling tired

To know more Click here

What are the signs and side effects of ongoing hepatitis B infusion?

The principal side effects incorporate yellowing of the eyes and skin, influenza like side effects, pale stools, and dim hued pee.

Will TENVIR AF 25MG be utilized in pregnant ladies?

No. It isn’t suggested for use by pregnant ladies. Counsel your primary care physician prior to taking it.

Does TENVIR AF 25MG fix hepatitis B?

It can treat hepatitis B actually in certain individuals. In certain circumstances, it is more viable than adefovir and lamivudine.

Could I at any point take Tenvir Af 25mg Tablets 30’S during pregnancy?

There is restricted data in regards to the security of the Tenvir Af Tablet in pregnant ladies. Thus, it is prudent to counsel your primary care physician prior to utilizing this medication in the event that you are pregnant or figure you might be pregnant.

Might I at any point take Tenvir Af 25mg Tablets 30’S while breastfeeding?

There is restricted data in regards to the wellbeing of the Tenvir Af Tablet in lactating moms. Thus, it is fitting to counsel your primary care physician prior to utilizing this medication assuming you are breastfeeding your child.

Could I at any point drink liquor with Tenvir Af 25mg Tablets 30’S?

Liquor can expand the symptoms of Tenvir Af Tablet, like tipsiness, liver harm, and migraine. Accordingly, you ought to stay away from liquor while on this medication.

Might I at any point quit taking Tenvir Af Tablet assuming I begin feeling far improved?

No, you shouldn’t quit taking Tenvir Af Tablet regardless of whether you begin feeling improved. Your side effects might work on subsequent to taking this medication. Fragmented treatment might bring about treatment disappointment and increment chance of re-contamination.

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