Temozolomide 20mg Capsule Temotero

Trade Name: Temotero

Manufacturer: Hetero Drugs Ltd

Presentation: Capsule

Strength: 20mg

What are the benefits of taking Temozolomide 20 mg Capsule?

Temozolomide 20 mg Capsule is a drug that is used to treat some forms of brain tumors. Temozolomide belongs to the alkylating agent class of drugs. It works by reducing or preventing cancer cell proliferation in your body.

Is temozolomide a type of chemotherapy?

Temozolomide is a chemotherapeutic drug. Temodal is another name for it. It could be used to treat a form of brain tumor known as malignant (cancerous) glioma. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and anaplastic astrocytoma are two types of malignant glioma.

What are the adverse effects of temozolomide 20mg capsule?

  • Temodal Capsule side effects
  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.
  • Fatigue.
  • Convulsion.
  • Coordination problems.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever.
  • Hair loss is a common occurrence. For more details Click Here.

When should you start taking temozolomide?

Take Temozolomide 20 mg Capsule on an empty stomach or before sleep to prevent nausea and vomiting. Take this drug at the same time every day, close to a meal, for the best results (for example, 1 hour before or 3 hours after a meal).

What is the maximum amount of temozolomide you can take in a day?

Adults: The dose is chosen by your doctor and is depending on your body size. The initial dose is usually 150 milligrams (mg) per square meter (m[2]) of body size, given once a day for 5 days, followed by a 23-day break. For up to 2 years, this dosing cycle can be repeated every 28 days.

What is your reaction to temozolomide?

Temozolomide 20 mg Capsule frequently induces nausea and vomiting in patients. It is critical, however, that you continue to take the medicine even if you start to feel ill. Taking the drug before sleep or on an empty stomach may help to reduce nausea. Inquire with your doctor about additional options for reducing these side effects.

What is the efficacy of temozolomide?

In one small research, whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT) and Temozolomide 20 mg Capsule were shown to be effective, with an 85 percent complete response rate.

Is it safe to drink alcohol when on temozolomide?

Even on days when you’re not taking temozolomide, don’t consume alcohol. If you are allergic to dacarbazine (DTIC), another chemotherapy drug, do not take Temozolomide 20 mg Capsule. Call your doctor if you have an illness or have been prescribed antibiotics by another provider for any reason.

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