lapatinib tablets ip 250 mg Lapahope

Trade Name: Lapatinib

Manufacturer: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Presentation: Tablet



What is Lapahope Lapatinib Tablets ip 250 mg?

Lapahope  Lapatinib Tablets IP 250 mg is utilized in the therapy of bosom malignancy. It works by halting or dialing back the development of malignancy cells. It is either utilized alone or in the mix with some other medication to fix progressed stage bosom disease.

How Lapahope is used?

In Breast malignancy, Lapahope lapatinib tablets IP 250 mg assists with treating bosom malignancy and it very well might be utilized alone or in the mix with different meds or treatment modalities like chemotherapy. It assuages the indications of bosom malignant growth, for example, bosom protuberances, wicked release from areolas or changes in the shape or surface of the bosom. Lapahope 250mg Tablet kills or stops the development of disease cells and furthermore forestalls the augmentation of malignant growth cells. Talk about with your PCP if any of the incidental effects trouble you.

Common Side effects of Lapahope 250mg Tablet:

Most coincidental impacts needn’t bother with any clinical thought and evaporate as your body changes with the prescription. Counsel your PCP in the event that they persevere or then again in case you’re stressed over them

  • Normal symptoms of Lapahope, Stomach torment
  • Back torment, Breathing issues, Clogging
  • Hack, The runs, Weakness, Migraine
  • Hot blazes, Expanded bilirubin in the blood
  • Sleep deprivation (trouble in dozing)
  • Joint torment, Liver, harmless of craving
  • Mucosal irritation,Queasiness,Torment in limit
  • Rash, Stomatitis (Inflammation of the mouth)
  • Retching, Shortcoming, Weight acquire

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Does lapatinib cause hair loss?

Oral medications for bosom malignant growth, for example, capecitabine (Xeloda) or lapatinib (Tykerb), may cause hair diminishing versus the harmful alopecia that can be brought about by some intravenous chemotherapeutic specialists.

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