Febuxostat Tablets 80 mg Feburic

Trade Name: Feburic

Manufacturer: Ajanta Pharma Ltd

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 80mg

Introduction of Febuxostat Tablets 80 mg Feburic

Febuxostat Tablets 80 mg Feburic belongs to the class of medicines known as xanthine oxidase inhibitors. It works by lowering the level of uric acid produced in the body. Febuxostat is a medication that is used to prevent gout attacks but not to treat them once they have occurred.

When should I stop using febuxostat?

To avoid a gout attack, remember to take febuxostat every day. It can take up to six months for it to fully take action. It has no impact during a gout attack, but you should continue to take it on a daily basis even if this happens.

What are the Febuxostat Tablets 80 mg Feburic adverse effects?

  • Consequences
  • Pain in the arms, back, or jaw.
  • Stools that are dark and tarry.
  • a nasal bleed
  • Pain or discomfort in the chest.
  • urine that is hazy
  • decreased urine frequency or volume
  • diarrhea.
  • Breathing that is laborious or labored. For more click here.

Is it possible that febuxostat will harm your kidneys?

medwireNews: According to findings published in Arthritis Research & Therapy, the drugs febuxostat and allopurinol are linked to an increased risk of acute kidney damage (AKI).

Is it possible to take febuxostat at night?

Time to take febuxostat: Take febuxostat at the same time every day. Take it early thing in the morning if possible. Talk to your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you work shifts or want to take your medicine at night. Febuxostat is a drug that you can take with or without food.

Is Febuxostat Tablets 80 mg Feburic a life-threatening drug?

The gout drug Uloric was linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular death and all-cause death, according to an FDA evaluation of a large safety clinical trial (febuxostat). Patients who have failed or are unable to take maximally titrated allopurinol dosages should utilize Uloric.

Is febuxostat a blood pressure medication?

Febuxostat significantly reduced systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) over 28 weeks in adults with untreated hypertension and gout, according to a retrospective study of febuxostat Phase 3 studies.

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