Microvir- Famciclovir 250mg Tablet

Trade Name: Microvir

Manufacturer: Glaxo Smithkline Pharmaceuticals LTD

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 250mg

What are the advantages of using Famciclovir 250mg Tablet?

Herpes zoster is treated withFamciclovir 250mg  (shingles; a rash that can occur in people who have had chickenpox in the past). It’s also used to treat recurrent herpes virus cold sores or fever blisters in people who have a good immune system.

How long does it take for Famciclovir Tablet to take effect?

Treatment should begin as soon as feasible after herpes zoster is diagnosed Famciclovir Tablet. Famvir has been demonstrated to be beneficial when begun within 72 hours of the development of the rash studies. Famvir is most effective when begun within 48 hours.

What is the purpose of Famciclovir 250mg Tablet?

shingles), a skin illness caused by the herpes virus. It’s used to treat and prevent herpes labialis (cold sores) as well as recurring genital herpes infections.

When should you start taking famciclovir

Famciclovir 250mg Tablet is best administered within 48 hours of the onset of shingles symptoms (pain, burning, blisters) or within 6 hours of the onset of recurrent genital herpes symptoms (pain, blisters).

What are the possible negative effects of famciclovir?

  • Famvir’s most common adverse effects include headaches,
  • nausea,
  • stomach pain,
  • gas,
  • diarrhea,
  • tiredness,
  • dizziness, and sleepiness.

Is famciclovir an antibiotic, as it claims to be?

The antiviral drug Famciclovir 250mg Tablet is one of them. However, it is not a therapy for these illnesses. The viruses that cause these illnesses live on in the body even when there are no outbreaks. The usage of famciclovir helps to shorten the duration and intensity of these outbreaks.

Once, how effective is famciclovir?

The median time to healing in patients treated with Famciclovir 250mg Tablet single dose was 4.4 days, compared to 4.0 days in patients treated with famciclovir 750 mg bid and 6.2 days in patients treated with placebo. This amounts to 1.8 (95 percent CI 0.9, 2.7) and 2.2 (CI 95 percent 1.3, 3.1) days of treatment, respectively.

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