Erythromycin 500mg tablet Erycin

Trade Name : Erycin 500

Manufacturer : Cipla

Salt : Erythromycin 500mg

Presentation : Tablet

Strength : 500mg

Introduction of Erythromycin 500mg tablet

Erythromycin 500mg tablet, showcased under the brand name Erycin, is an anti-toxin drug used to treat various bacterial diseases. It has a place with the macrolide class of anti-toxins and works by hindering the development of microbes.

  • Here is a prologue to Erycin:
  • Conventional Name: Erythromycin
  • Brand Name: Erycin Strength: 500mg Dose
  •  Structure: Tablet

Indications to use Erythromycin 500mg tablet Erycin

  • Erycin is generally endorsed for treating contaminations brought about by microorganisms defenseless to erythromycin.
  • It is utilized to treat respiratory parcel diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, and pertussis (beating hack).
  • Erycin is powerful in treating skin and delicate tissue contaminations, including skin break-out vulgaris.
  • It could be utilized for prophylaxis of rheumatic fever and bacterial endocarditis.

Mechanism of Action

Erythromycin hinders bacterial protein amalgamation by restricting to the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome. This activity impedes the interpretation cycle, prompting the restraint of bacterial development and replication.

Dosage and Administration

  • The measurement of Erycin differs depending upon the kind and seriousness of the disease, as well as the patient’s age and ailment.
  • It is normally taken orally, regardless of food.
  • It is critical to follow the recommended measurements and timetable given by the medical services supplier.
  • The course of treatment ought to be finished regardless of whether side effects further develop before the medicine is done, to forestall the improvement of anti-infection obstruction.


  • Erycin ought not to be utilized in patients with a known extreme touchiness to erythromycin or any macrolide anti-microbials.
  • It is contraindicated in patients with prior liver sickness or brokenness.
  • Watchfulness ought to be practiced while endorsing Erycin to patients with a background marked by delayed QT stretch or other cardiovascular conduction irregularities.

Adverse Effects

  • Normal results of Erycin might incorporate gastrointestinal unsettling influences like sickness, retching, loose bowels, and stomach torment.
  • Opposite incidental effects might incorporate unfavorably susceptible responses, hepatotoxicity (liver harm), and QT stretch prolongation.
  • Serious antagonistic impacts are intriguing yet may incorporate Clostridium difficile-related the runs and extreme hypersensitive responses.

Drug Interactions

  • Erycin might associate with different prescriptions, including different anti-microbials, antifungal specialists, and certain medications utilized by the cytochrome P450 framework.
  • It might potentiate the impacts of medications that delay the QT stretch, expanding the gamble of heart arrhythmias.


  • Erycin ought to be involved with alert in patients with a background marked by gastrointestinal sickness, particularly colitis.
  • It ought to be involved with alert in pregnant and breastfeeding ladies, as well as in pediatric patients.
  • Patients ought to be instructed to report any signs concerning unfavorably susceptible responses or extreme unfriendly impacts while taking Erycin.


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