Emletra Tablet 50mg/200mg

Trade Name:Emletra

Manufacturer: Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Presentation: tablet


Introduction of Emletra Tablet

Emletra Tablet is a blend of antiretroviral cures. It is upheld to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency defilement) disease. It maintains the security to battle against HIV to regulate or treat Helps (Makes a difference).

Emletra Tablet restricts the improvement of HIV in the body and reduces the bet of getting HIV-related confusion to manage the eventual fate of a person. The medication ought to be taken with food for additionally created reasonableness. Consuming these drugs routinely simultaneously expands their appropriateness. A piece of this medication ought not to be missed as it can influence your recuperation. It is basic to get done with the full course of the treatment until your PCP urges you to stop it. Startling the suspension of the treatment could affect the force of the medication.

Prior to beginning with the therapy, you ought to prompt your PCP expecting that you are pregnant or breastfeeding or have any infection. Your PCP could propose standard investigation office tests to check your blood counts, kidney and liver limits, and various infections. Tolerating you are HIV positive, you shouldn’t breastfeed or share individual assets like razors or toothbrushes. Counsel your PCP to be have a ton of familiarity with safe sex philosophies to forestall transmission of HIV during intercourse

Benefits of Emletra Tablet:

In HIV defiling
Emletra Tablet keeps the HIV spoiling away from copying in your body. It helps control the defiling and makes your invulnerable development with working better. This hacks down your potential outcomes getting troubles like new illnesses and chips away at your own fulfillment.
It’s start and end except for a fix of HIV or Helps and should not be used to disturb HIV after coincidental responsiveness to a bet. You really ought to perceive this cure as embraced, following the evaluation proposed by your PCP. Taking all parts in the ideal absolute at the ideal doorways incredibly fosters the reasonableness of your mix of arrangements and diminishes the potential aftereffects of your HIV affliction becoming impenetrable to antiretroviral drugs. Before long, removing this cure won’t hold you back from passing HIV to other people..


  • Treatment of HIV-1 infection

Side Effects:

Normal Aftereffects:

  • Squeamishness
  • Regurgitating
  • Detachment of the guts
  • Upper respiratory bundle tainting
  • Indigestion
  • Reduced hankering
  • Headache
  • Wooziness.

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Direction for use

Take this medicine regardless of food as recommended by your primary care physician. Gulp down it as an entire with a glass of water. Try not to break, squash, or bite it.


store in a cool and dry spot away from daylight.

How Emletra Tablet Works

This tablet is a mix of two enemies of HIV drugs: Ritonavir and Lopinavir. They work by stopping a protein (protease), as would be viewed as ordinary by HIV-ruined cells to make new defilements. This stops the headway of new illnesses.

What If You Forget To take this medicine?

If you miss a piece of this tablet acknowledge it rapidly. In any case, if it is almost time for your next segment, skirt the missed part and return to your ordinary schedule. Make an effort not to twofold the part

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