Clobetasol propionate 0.05% CLOBEDOC-0.05%


Trade Name: CLOBEDOC

Manufacturer: Dr Morepen Ltd

Presentation: Cream

Strength: 0.05%

What is clobetasol propionate cream .05 utilized for?

Clobetasol propionate is a medication that is utilized on the skin to treat expansion, tingling, and disturbance. It can assist with skin issues, such as dermatitis and contact dermatitis.

Is clobetasol a solid steroid?

This drug is utilized to treat an assortment of skin conditions (like skin inflammation, psoriasis, dermatitis, sensitivities, and rash). Clobetasol diminishes the enlarging, tingling, and redness that can happen in these kinds of conditions. This prescription is an exceptionally impressive (super-high-power) corticosteroid.

How long would it be advisable for you to utilize clobetasol?

Utilize this prescription just for the condition endorsed. Try not to use it for longer than about a month except if coordinated by your doctor. Assuming that no improvement happens in about fourteen days of treatment with clobetasol, or on the other hand assuming your condition deteriorates, quit utilizing this prescription and illuminate your doctor.

What are the results of clobetasol?

  • skin rash, encrusted, layered, and overflowing.
  • Secondary effects
  • Consuming a vibe of the skin.
  • dry skin.
  • flushing or redness of the skin.
  • tingling, scaling, extreme redness, touchiness, or skin disturbance.

What amount of time does it require for clobetasol propionate cream to work?

Clobetasol propionate and other intense corticosteroids are typical therapy for psoriasis. Research proposes that clobetasol propionate by and large functions admirably to clear or almost clear psoriasis patches within 2 a month.

How are you expected to apply clobetasol?

Apply this medicine to the impacted region of the scalp as coordinated by your primary care physician, for the most part, two times every day (toward the beginning of the day and night). Utilize this medicine just on the skin. Be that as it may, don’t utilize it on the face, crotch, or underarms except if coordinated to do as such by your primary care physician. Wash and dry your hands before applying.

Does clobetasol propionate debilitate the invulnerable framework?

Clobetasol works by diminishing your body’s reaction to aggravation. It additionally lessens the movement of your safe framework.

Could clobetasol cause weight gain?

Weight gain is certainly not a typical result of clobetasol. Unexpected weight gain while utilizing clobetasol can be an indication of a difficult issue and requires prompt clinical consideration. Essentially, changes in the manner in which muscle versus fat is conveyed can be one more indication of a serious side effect

What amount of time does it require clobetasol to ingest into the skin?

Official response. It takes around one to three days for clobetasol propionate to begin working when it is being utilized to treat dermatitis. Some improvement in side effects like irritation (redness) and tingling, ought to be seen inside this time

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