Celplat Cisplatin 50mg Injection

Trade Name: Celplat

Manufacturer: Celon Laboratories Ltd

Presentation: Injection

Strength: 50mg

What is Celplat Cisplatin 50mg Injection?

Celplat Cisplatin 50mg Injection is a prescription medicine used to treat ovarian, cervical, and testicular cancers. It slows or stops the growth of cancer cells in the body.

How Celplat Cisplatin 50mg Injection is used?

A certified clinical expert administers Celplat 50mg Injection by infusion into veins. What portion is fundamental and how frequently you should take it will be determined by your primary care physician. Depending on what you are being treated for, your treatment plan may change from time to time. Follow the advice of your doctor exactly. It can have intense incidental effects if misinterpreted or taken in excess. Initially, you might not see or feel the benefits right away, but do not stop taking it unless your doctor advises you to.

What is the mechanism of action of cisplatin?

The mechanism of action of cisplatin is associated with the ability to crosslink with the bases on DNA to form DNA adducts, preventing repair of the DNA, leading to DNA damage, and inducing apoptosis within cancer cells.

Common Side effects of Cisplatin 50mg Injection:

As your body adjusts to the medication, most incidental effects vanish. Consult your doctor on the off chance that they suffer or if you are worried about them

Celplat Symptoms

Infusion site reactions (torment, enlargement, redness)

Increased risk of disease

A problem with the ear



Platelets (red cells, white cells, and platelets) are diminished

A weakness of the renal system

Fringe neuropathy (shivering and numbness in hands and feet)

Kidney damage

A misfortune is heard

Hearing a ringing in the ear


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Trade Name: Celplat

Manufacturer: Celon Laboratories Ltd

Presentation: Injection

Strength: 50mg

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