Carboplatin 150mg Injection Carbokem Novo

Trade Name: Carbokem

Manufacturer: Alkem Laboratories Ltd

Presentation: Injection

Strength: 150mg

Can Carboplatin 150 mg Injection be used to treat cancer?

Carboplatin 150 mg Injection is a chemotherapy drug that is used to treat ovarian and lung cancer. Other cancers may be treated with it on occasion.

Carboplatin is used to treat which cancers?

Ovarian cancer is treated with carboplatin. Carboplatin is also used to treat different cancers such as lung, head and neck, endometrial, esophageal, bladder, breast, and cervical cancers, as well as central nervous system or germ cell tumors, osteogenic sarcoma, and as a stem cell or bone marrow transplant preparation.

What is Carboplatin 150 mg Injection and how does it work?

Carboplatin is used to treat cancer of the ovaries (cancer that starts in the female reproductive organs where eggs are created), which has progressed to other parts of the body, has not improved, or has worsened despite treatment with other drugs or radiation therapy.

What are some of the Carboplatin 150 mg Injection typical negative effects?

  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • tingling in the extremities
  • ear infection
  • discomfort
  • weakness
  • allergic responses
  • and hair loss is all common side effects of carboplatin.

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How long does Carboplatin 150 mg Injection take to work?

Each carboplatin dose, or cycle, takes 15 to 60 minutes. If you’re using carboplatin with other medications, it can take a little longer. Every 21–28 days, you’ll have one carboplatin cycle.

Will carboplatin cause me to lose my hair?

v Although carboplatin causes little hair loss, some people lose more hair than others. Hair growth should resume after the treatment is finished. v Nausea and vomiting are prevalent, but they are less common now than they were in the past because of better anti-nausea drugs.

What is the purpose of carboplatin?

Carboplatin is a chemotherapy drug that is used to treat a variety of cancers. It’s a platinum-containing chemotherapeutic medication. It is used to slow or stop cancer cell proliferation.

Can carboplatin harm your liver?

The degree of carboplatin-induced liver injury varies from mild, reversible enzyme increase to sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, which leads to abrupt liver failure and death. Carboplatin-induced liver damage is relatively uncommon.

Can carboplatin harm your kidneys?

Despite the fact that carboplatin is less nephrotoxic than cisplatin, it can nevertheless cause tubular damage and interstitial nephritis in patients who have already had cisplatin. Nonoliguric renal failure with a urine output of more than a liter per day is common in those who are affected.

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