Abiraterone Tablet 250mg Abitate U

Trade Name: Ibatkin

Manufacturer: Zuventus Healthcare Ltd

Presentation: Capsule

Strength: 400mg

What is the purpose of the medicine Abiraterone Tablet?

Abiraterone Tablet is a medication that is used in conjunction with prednisone to treat prostate cancer that has progressed to other regions of the body. Abiraterone belongs to the class of drugs known as androgen biosynthesis inhibitors work by reducing the amounts of certain hormones in the body.

Is abiraterone a type of chemotherapy?

Abiraterone Tablet (abiraterone acetate) is a hormone medication that is used in conjunction with prednisone to treat men who have prostate cancer that has progressed to other parts of their bodies (metastasized). Zytiga is not a type of chemotherapy, despite the fact that it is used to treat cancer.

What is the maximum amount of time you can take abiraterone for?

Abiraterone Tablet acetate has been shown in trials to increase life expectancy. In the larger research, around 50 out of 100 men who received standard treatment were still living after three years, while 70 out of 100 men who received abiraterone acetate treatment were still alive after the same time period.

What are the abiraterone side effects?

  • Consequences
  • Bladder discomfort.
  • Face, arms, hands, lower legs, or foot bloating or swelling
  • Urine that is crimson or cloudy.\
  • Fracture or bone discomfort
  • Pain or discomfort in the chest.
  • urinary incontinence
  • Urination that is difficult, scorching, or painful.
  • Rapid, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse. For more details Click Here.

When you take abiraterone with food, what happens?

Abiraterone acetate (Zytiga) has a larger positive food impact (an increase in the amount absorbed when taken with food) than any other commercial medicine indicated for use on an empty stomach.

How effective is abiraterone?

Expert opinion: For the treatment of metastatic castrate-naive prostate cancer, abiraterone is highly effective and has an excellent safety profile. It should now be considered the new standard of care, according to the authors.

Abiraterone acetate 250 mg is what it sounds like.

Prostate cancer is treated using this drug. Abiraterone is part of a class of drugs known as anti-androgens (anti-testosterone). Prostate cancer is aided in its growth and spread by testosterone, a normal hormone.

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