Rizochem Pharmaceuticals is registerd in Ministry of Micro , Small & Medium Enterprises in India.

Rizochem Pharmaceuticals is also in third party manufacturing, all our manufacturing facilities have ensure world-class quality in design equipment and operations. Our all manufacturers ensure that we are able to provide best-in-class quality and economical pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.

Our manufacturers are focused on producing speciality in Allopathic Medicine, Nutraceutical, Herbal and Ayurvedic Medicine in the Full Range of dosage forms, We Have Medicinal Tables, Capsules,Injectables, Ointments, Gynecological Medicaments, Intimate Hygiene Products. also Have Expertise in Manufacturing effervescent Tables, Injection, Amoxiclave, Cephalosporin, Nasal Spray, Eye Drops,Ointment,Cream, Gel,Lotions ,Topical spray, Vaginal Tablet(Suppository),Antibiotics, Antibacterial,Anti Viral, Anti Cold, NSAID, Anti Histaminic, Antacid, Anti Fungal, Anti Scabies, Topical Steroids, Anti Acne, Skin Lightning, Cough Syrup, Paediatric Preparation and Eye Lubricant Products.

Rizochem Pharmaceutical has Collaboration with Only Those Manufacturing Units Which are Based Upon State of Art Manufacturing Technologies Approved by WHO-GMP, ISO and other Various authority.