Cefixime Trihydrate IP 50mg 5ml CEFYZ O DRY SYP


Manufacturer:Mcbrex Lifesciences

Presentation: syrup


Cefixime Trihydrate 50mg 5ml is utilized for what?

Cefixime Trihydrate 50mg 5ml A cephalosporin anti-toxin is called CEFIXIME (sef IX eem). Treating specific bacterial illnesses is utilized. Colds, this season’s virus, and other viral infections are not treatable with it. Inquire as to whether you have any inquiries concerning different purposes for this medicine.

What is the motivation behind Cefixime Trihydrate 50mg 5ml?

In various region of the body, cefixime is utilized to treat bacterial diseases. It is an individual from the cephalosporin anti-microbials drug class. It capabilities by destroying microorganisms or halting their development.

Could a young person at any point take cefixime?

Kids between the ages of a half year and 12 years — Your PCP will choose the measurements for your kid in view of body weight. The measurements is normally partitioned into two portions of 4 mg/kg of body weight like clockwork or taken as a solitary portion of 8 mg for every kilogram of body weight every day.

Could you at any point give cefixime for three days?

  • Cefixime ought to be taken in portions of 8 mg each day, or 4 mg like clockwork.
  • A grown-up ought to require 500mg per day for three days to treat skin diseases.
  • The primary day, the specialist may likewise teach you to take 500 mg in a solitary portion, and the following two days, 250 mg.

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Cefixime is reasonable for COVID 19?

Cefixime, etoposide, and nebrodenoside A can be in every way utilized as compelling COVID-19 inhibitors, as per the computational examination. The picked applicants must, notwithstanding, go through extra exploratory testing and approval to show their appropriateness for clinical preliminaries.

Might you at any point treat a fever with cefixime?

Other use for this medication as well as treating pneumonia, shigella (a disease that causes extreme looseness of the bowels), salmonella (a contamination that causes serious the runs), and typhoid fever, cefixime is sporadically used to treat sinus contaminations in the people who are susceptible to penicillin (a serious disease that is normal in non-industrial nations)

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